Diner Journal

by Steve Watson in January 2011
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Anna Dunn

Diner Journal (USA)

Why did you start a food magazine?
The driving force behind the journal was our desire to be part of the larger conversation about food, ethics, locality and agriculture that seemed to be happening around us. We read Ed Behr, Michael Pollan and other people like that, and we felt our Brooklyn restaurant community had an important voice and perspective to offer

Who are your readers?
Poets, sailors, foodies. I’m not sure really. For sure there are people who come to the restaurants and want to take a little piece of that experience home. Food conscience people. Home cooks and designers. We try to invite a wild variety of characters to the table.

What’s so special about food writing?
What I find most compelling about food is that we need it. We must eat. A necessity that can be at once full with romance and enjoyment but remain ubiquitous never really gets old. An inexhaustible muse.

Why are independent food magazines so popular at the moment?
I think as our food culture changes, so follows the artifice around it. Or perhaps it’s the other way around? As we become more thoughtful about food and our planet it only makes sense that what we want to read will mirror and explore that journey.

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