Stack reviews Another Escape

by Steve Watson in May 2014
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The third issue of Another Escape arrived at Printout Bristol hot off the press (well, not hot exactly, but the glue on the spine was still wet) and I knew as soon as I saw it that I wanted to use it for a video review.

It’s a great step forward for its creators Rachel and Jody, who have thrown everything into the magazine to make it their full-time jobs. And you can see that time paying off on the pages – it’s a beautiful magazine, and a prime example of the current crop of magazines that escape from the everyday world through peacefulness in print.

On a related note, this is the first video made using my new soft box light (an eBay bargain). I think you can see the difference in the colours, and best of all it means I’m no longer reliant on there being the right type of sunshine for shooting the videos. Midnight reviews can’t be far away…

Two-Minute Magazines #26: Another Escape from Steven Watson on Vimeo.

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