30-Second Story: Filmme Fatales

by Grace Wang in May 2017
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Film Women

I had a really hard time putting down Filmme Fatales’ latest issue. With a mission of championing women in film, the Melbourne-based title examines film culture from a smart, personal and often humour-filled female perspective — you’ll find essays on Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist alongside think pieces on feminism’s intersection with the #OscarSoWhite movement. Physically, the magazine is also entirely immersive, with notebook-feel paper, decisively coloured typography and characterful illustrations that keep the momentum going page after page.

Instead of just making you want to see a film, Filmme Fatales leaves you inquisitive about the underlying sexism and lack of female representation in the industry as a whole, enabling you to experience films with new, refreshing perspectives in mind (which go well beyond measuring dialogues against the Bechdel Test). Sadly, this eighth issue is their last, but it’s optimistically themed ‘The Future’, so go and find a copy if you’re needing some motivation to embark on new changes in your life.

Speaking of changes, this is our first attempt at a shorter video format, so do let us know what you think…

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