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This collection of beautifully made fashion journals is the ideal gift for anyone who is just a little bit obsessed with the clothes they wear. Instead of trying to keep up with trends these magazines step back to provide a slower, more considered appreciation of fashion that is by turns critical and poetic, academic and impassioned.


Press & Fold issue 1

RRP £15.00 | 162 pages | Published in Amsterdam


Press & Fold is a fashion magazine that actively seeks out the cracks and fissures in the current industry to propose new opportunities for making and doing fashion. In the ‘Luxury’ issue of Press & Fold, you’ll find fresh views on the meaning of luxury in the fashion world, and society at large.


Vestoj issue 9

RRP £22.00 | 236 pages | Published in London


Vestoj is a fashion magazine that goes beyond trends and styles. It doesn’t publish fashion shoots, choosing instead to take a cultural, economic and political view of the clothes we wear. The new issue ‘On Capital’ looks at all forms of value or assets: financial, human, cultural and social.


The Skirt Chronicles issue 7

RRP £14.00 | 160 pages | Published in Paris


Founded in Paris by Sarah de Mavaleix, Sofia Nebiolo and Haydée Touitou, The Skirt Chronicles is a collaborative platform that covers literature, fashion, politics and beyond. Clothes are one unifying thread that holds the stories together, but so too is the city itself, with a wonderfully evocative sense of Parisian cool running through the pages.

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