Stack on Offscreen

by Steve Watson in February 2014
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This week’s video review is Offscreen, a magazine with a beautifully simple premise. We spend an inordinate amount of our lives online and yet we know little or nothing about the people who actually make the internet, so Offscreen puts them centre stage and explores their lives and loves.

It’s made by one-time web developer Kai Brach, and I’m totally fascinated by what happens when a creative mind switches from one field to another. As I say in the video, I think you can see web practices flowing through the pages of Offscreen, and I love the results.

Take two minutes (okay, two minutes 22 seconds) to see for yourself, and I’d love to hear what you think, either via Twitter or the comments below.

Two-Minute Magazines #13: Offscreen from Steven Watson on Vimeo.


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