Climate change post-COP26

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by Steve Watson in December 2021
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Martha Dillon is the editor of It’s Freezing in LA!, the magazine about climate change that recently published its eighth issue, themed around ‘Borders’. I spoke to her a couple of weeks after COP26 came to an end and I was interested to hear her thoughts on the conference, and on the general experience of publishing the magazine today.

It’s not often you get to feel optimistic about climate change, but this conversation left me feeling cautiously upbeat, as Martha explained how the broader engagement with climate change is spurring them on and giving them the opportunity to keep making It’s Freezing in LA! bigger and better and more influential.

We have copies of this latest issue available to buy in the shop, plus several back issues, so go and grab one if you’d like to see it for yourself, and I hope you’ll enjoy this conversation with Martha.

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